
AAF News

The New Alaska Oil Discovery: What You Need to Know

In early October, Caelus Energy, a Dallas-based company, announced a significant light oil discovery on Alaska’s North Slope. In an article published October 11th, in The National Interest, detailing the discovery, many believe this will breathe new life into Alaska’s oil industry.

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Giving Kids Hope and Joy with Rick’s Toys for Kids

During this special time of year, it’s always a privilege to reach out and help others. One of the ways we do this at Alaska Air Forwarding is through our partnership with Rick’s Toys for Kids. If you are not familiar with this organization, we’d like to take this opportunity to share with you a little about this great charity and the impact they are making in the lives of kids within the community...

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Shipping Cargo to Alaska?

If you have ever shipped cargo anywhere, you are well aware of the challenges you may encounter in the process; that’s simply the nature of shipping. If you have ever shipped cargo to Alaska, then you likely have encountered even more challenges than what’s typical in the...

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