Turnagain Arm: Alaska’s Unique Waterway Anchorage, Alaska, is home to one of the most beautiful and unique waterways. Known as Turnagain Arm, this branch of the Cook Inlet is special for several reasons and should be at the top of your itinerary if you ever go for a visit. Let's dive in and explore what…
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Northern Lights
The mesmerizing phenomenon of the Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, is one of nature’s greatest gifts to us. Learn more about the mysteries and magic behind the Northern Lights.
The Midnight Sun In Fairbanks, Alaska
The Midnight Sun occurs in the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere as the North Pole is tilted more towards the Sun. This keeps Fairbanks, Alaska, bathed in sunlight for extended periods, during which the Sun dips below the horizon but never fully sets.
What Does it Mean to be a Government Approved Freight Forwarder?
Alaska Air Forwarding is proud to be a government-approved freight forwarder. Here is more about the approval process and what it means for Alaska.