
AAF News

Year Round Alaskan Fishing Calendar

Ahh the fishing season! Most might think the fishing season is a lot like a sports season with a very specific start and end date, and that’s true….. sort of. Unlike a sport season, such as baseball, that starts in the spring and ends in the fall, fishing season is really an all-year round “sport” with a line-up that changes month to month.

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Global Shipping Trends 2016

The Shipping industry is an industry that has been around for centuries and has certainly changed and progressed with the times and continues to change and progress today. Currently, there are three primary areas that are impacting the global shipping industry. Those three areas are technology, environmental regulations, and the future…

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Preparing for the Commercial Fishing Season in Alaska

How does a commercial fisherman prepare for their fishing season? There are a number of things that a fisherman must do in order to prepare for the long, hard fishing season. Basically, the fisherman must prepare for the season on two fronts: home and the fishing boat. Home…

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Keeping a Cruise Ship Well Fed

Have you ever been on a cruise? If so, you know how amazing the food is that is served on-board ship. For many people, tasting the decadent food and enjoying the elegance with which it’s displayed is often one of the highlights of being on a cruise. So, you…

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